The middle of February is a busy time in our home, we have Chase's Birthday on February 12, mine on the 13th and then Valentine's day on the 14th. Most of our attention goes towards Chase's birthday. I have looked at him lately and can not believe what a young man he is becoming. He is no longer my little baby and hasn't been for some time but he will always be our very special first born. I was recently thinking back to the day he was born-backing up a little- The week before we had gone to the doctor's and she had set up and induction date. She had explained that because of his size she didn't want to wait much longer. We arrived at the hospital early that morning not certain of what to expect. We decided we (and by this we at this point I mean me) would try to go as long as we could without an epidural. I spent the day walking the halls with Luke and laying in bed on the monitors. It was a great day with just the 2 of us. The last few hours as a family of 2 was spent with great anticipation for the arrival of our baby. I was not in any real pain so things were quite relaxed.........until she broke my water, that all ended and I wanted an epidural NOW!! I don't really understand why these anesthesiologists can't be ready to just give out the drugs immediately, but instead he had to read my chart (which you would have thought was hundreds of pages long) and then talk to me a little. At that point I wasn't to concerned about the side effects or possibilities-the only possibility that I put much thought into was to the fact that some of my pain could possibly be gone if he would just inject me! He really was great at what he did which I was so thankful for. Once I had the epidural I felt so much better until our little Chase decided to fracture or chip (we're not sure which) my tailbone. Just in case you didn't know, epidurals don't work for that part of your body!! It was approaching 11:30 pm and my doctor began discussing the possibility of a C-section, Chase had been stuck and wasn't moving much-I had been in hard labor-pushing, etc for at least 2 hours and was in a great deal of pain with my tailbone. Thankfully though at 11:58pm he was born. 2 Minutes before my birthday-what a great early bday present. The nurse immediately took him and all I could remember hearing was her saying "just breathe little man, just breathe". My heart was racing wondering what was happening, the nurse looked at me and said "he'll be ok" and then turned back to him and kept telling him to breathe. Luke said he has never seen anyone so blue....Chase did start breathing soon after that on his own and so did Luke and I. It was an amazing feeling watching Luke stand over his little boy just looking at him, touching his hand. That image will forever be near to my heart. they then brought him over to me and I will never forget what I said. He had a little cap on and I looked at him as I was taking him and asked the nurse "is that whole thing his head" -sorry buddy! He had a cone head and within a week lost almost an inch of his height. He was still so perfect! Later that night (around 1:30a.m.) my parents arrived and we handed Chase to them and when my Dad took him and was looking at him we told them his whole name- "Chase Jeffrey Reinbold" my Dad looked like he was going to tear up a little. This little bundle was named after him and it was one of the greatest surprises we have ever shared with my parents. His name holds a legacy within it! The next day we had a number of Luke's family visit, more of mine, and some friends. We loved introducing Chase to everyone! We love him more than we ever knew we could love and have been so blessed as we watch him grow up. He is an amazing son and a great big brother. Again we are so blessed to have 2 of the most precious children!!

He is just growing so quickly!!
Onto Valentine's Day!
We started the week off by sending out home-made Valentine's to some of our family. The boys had a good time making them and I love to watch them and listen to them when they are busy working. This Valentine's Day itself was kind of a blur, I had to run to Rochester and Luke worked until 11pm.
I gave my Mom pink roses, I admire her so much for the amazing Godly woman that she is! Her and Dad seemed like they celebrated Valentine's Day every day of the year. I loved watching how they were truly madly in love with eachother and best friends! Mom spent the evening with us which was great.
Once the kids were in bed I started working on my plan to spoil Luke for the night, I have to admit that as a wife I am extremely spoiled. I don't necessarily mean with monetary things but spoiled none the less. I rarely ever have to go get into a cold car if Luke is home, he loves and adores me and our kids! I can not think of a single time he has ever told me no when I wanted something. I could go on for hours about how amazing he is!!
I had recently found out that his favorite pie was Pecan Pie. Yes we have been married this long and I always thought it was apple!! I made it that morning and hid it (well I thought I hid it but of course he found it which I found out later). I have so much fun baking and trying to be creative-trying is the key word there. I had it all planned for when he got home- I had a nice warm bath ready for him with some yummy snacks, including my favorite beverage- Concord grape sparkling juice. I know I'm odd but I love that stuff!! I took some of the best advice I was ever given from my Dad...I married my best friend! I love going through everyday with him-the bad and the good!!
Happy Birthday you guys! I love you and your little family so much! I anticipate this next year will bring even more joys! Can't wait to meet your little girl so I can shower her and your home with all things PINK!!!