Thursday, November 3, 2011
This is my entry in the Just Ask Bucket List Getaway Giveaway. Just Ask offers a breast and ovarian cancer screening and is encouraging people to share 15 things that I want to enjoy in my lifetime as a reminder to be aware of my health. Want to enter? Head over to to get the details.
Some Items on my bucket list (Not in any particular order except for the first 4):
1. Live every day with no regrets
2. Bring our Daughter home from Ethiopia
3. See a cure for Cancer
4. Watch and enjoy my children grow up and succeed in whatever they choose to do in life
5. Take a cross country vacation with my husband when we are older
6. Take a cruise to Alaska
7. Visit Fiji or Tahiti and stay in a bungalow over the water
8. Completely decorate my house
9. Have our property completely landscaped
10. Celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary with my husband
11. Raise Children that have committed their lives to the Lord and know without a shadow of a doubt that they are loved!!
12. Master baking and decorating cakes and cupcakes.
13. grow a beautiful flower garden
14. Take a big family vacation (Disney, cruise, etc)
15. Renew my vows on a quiet beach
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
One year ago
Friday, April 22, 2011
What a month!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Beach Party
Update Day:
Fridays are always an exciting day, we get an update from our adoption agency which includes the number of referals given. Usually we get it in the evening but I have to admit I check a couple of times during the day to see if it arrived early. With each referal given we are one step closer to our little girl! :) We are so excited today especially though because we found out that one of my closest friends has a travel date for her and her husband to fly and meet and bring home their little boy-so EXCITING!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Roller Coaster Ride

Thursday, March 10, 2011
What a week!!
Monday: -I think the wind blew everyone in NY's snow right into the middle of our driveway. Luke goes to start the tractor with our snowblower on it to get the driveway cleared out-it won't start! Our downstairs toilet decided that it was going to be temperamental and not work. The car got stuck in the driveway. I had company coming that night so I thought I would go out and try to shovel some of the bad parts of our driveway (those of you that have been here are laughing right now thinking of someone attempting to shovel our driveway). I get both boys in their snow gear - we get outside and I hear Cody say that five letter word that no mother of toddlers wants to hear once your child is in full snow suite attire- "potty". I took Cody to the bathroom, made it halfway down the driveway to attempt to shovel my path and I hear Chase. "Mom I have to go potty". I then decided that shoveling was a pointless cause and am so very thankful that one of my friends drives a great suv and that the other one is so athletic (she ran down most of our driveway since her car wasn't getting in it either). :)
Tuesday: Luke got the car unstuck - unfortunately the muffler was caught in the crossfire and found itself unattached from the car! After that this was a great day, I was able to spend Tuesday with some amazing women and Chase and Cody had a blast playing in the snow making snowmen 3 or 4 times their size.
Wednesday: Where do I even start. Our toilet decided to start working on its own again-yay! Luke had heard about an auction and was going to take some machinery to it. In order to do this though he had to get the barn door open. We were experiencing some more major wind that day which always makes opening those doors difficult. It was frozen in the ground so after Luke cleared away the ice he was able to get it part of the way open, until it came off of its track. He proceeded to climb a ladder (in crazy wind) and attempt to fix it. I can't believe he was not blown over! He was able to get the door shut (so I thought). He again could not get the tractor started to clear the driveway. You'll never guess what happened next-the car got stuck. He informed me that the only vehicle that would be able to make it out was the truck. That would leave us stuck here. This would normally be no big deal but I needed to be at church that night. Again my brilliant idea-I'll try to shovel again. I was able to get the kids in a place where they were with me but out of the wind and I started working. It did not take long to realize that that idea wasn't really going to work to well. When I was walking through the deep snow I would look back and within a few minutes my tracks were completely gone! I decided to check things in the barn and noticed that the door wasn't all the way closed. The ice and wind were keeping it open so I grabbed a shovel and cleared away the ice. Still couldn't get the door closed so I called Luke-normally this isn't a big deal but with the way the wind was blowing it could have cause serious damage if it caught the door. Luke informed me that the ice was keeping it secured, I informed him there was no longer ice because I had cleared it out-oops. I was able to secure the door and arranged for my mom to pick me up and let me use her vehicle to get to church. The driveway wasn't going to cooperate and let her in with her jeep either though. I proceeded to carry both boys, with hats completely over their faces so they could see nothing, halfway down the driveway where I met my mom. We each carried one of the kids and made it to the end of the driveway to her vehicle. Like I said I really needed to be at church that night. We made it to church a little after 6:30 and around 7:00 I was informed that Chase had thrown up in his classroom. We were back at mom's by 7:15. Guess we should have just stayed home and enjoyed an evening in. The plan had been for us to drive home with Luke on his way back from work but we decided that with it raining and sleeting it would be best to leave the boys at moms since they were sound asleep. While mom and I were putting Chase to sleep he got sick again! I asked him if he wanted some water and then saw Cody leave the room. I heard all this noise in the bathroom and then in walks Cody with a dixie cup of water for Chase. It was so sweet. He then gave him a stuffed animal and a hug along with 2 more glasses of water. Cody usually sleeps in grandma's room since Chase has claimed the guest room has HIS. That night we thought it best for them both to sleep in "Chase's room". Chase wasn't that thrilled but once they fell asleep they were so cute-there little hands were touching everytime we checked on them. The next morning I found out that Cody had gotten sick all over their bed (bet grandma was glad they were in the other bed), so both boys got to sleep in Grandma's room. I went home with Luke to help get chores done and when we walked into the barn the cows were loose in the barn. They had broken a gate, at least there was nothing for them to get into. We just had to laugh ...when it rains it poors.
Thursday: I picked the boys up early and we made a very quick trip to town, they both seemed to be feeling much better. It was a very quick bug with very few symptoms with it thankfully! Luke was able to get the car unstuck and it stayed in one piece. He also did some work on the tractor and it started so he was able to clear out our driveway. He got his barn door all the way open and was able to make some progress on the basement project with the help of a family friend. Cody and Chase were quiet today but still playing and having a good morning. Lately Cody has decided that he enjoys being naked much better than having clothes on at times. He will randomly take off his pants (I should mention he is potty trained) and underwear, can't usually get his shirt off though. What is it about this age that they like to be naked so much! He managed to get part of the way down the stairs to the basement to 'help' daddy, I hadn't yet realized he had left his clothes upstairs. Luke was at the bottom of the stairs and called my name in a somewhat distressed voice. He informed me that Cody had had an accident. I quickly grabbed him and took him into the bathroom. At this time Chase announced in a disgusted voice that Cody had pooped on the carpet. As I'm reaching for a washcloth I see Cody reach behind him, pull off a piece of what was stuck to his bare bottom and attempt to put it in his mouth. I quickly yelled no, totally disgusted and surprised by what he was about to do. Cody looked at me just as surprised and then I had one of those 'ah-ha' moments that we as mothers have sometimes. I remembered that I had made chocolate chip cookies that morning and Cody and Chase had both had some of the chocolate chips. Cody had managed to sit on a couple of them and melt them onto the carpet and onto his bottom!! The moment was priceless once this all dawned on me and I shared it with Luke and informed Chase! The experiences of being a mom can be so amusing at times! Did I mention that I spent almost 30 minutes on this blogpost and then hit a button and deleted it, what can you do but laugh!
This has been one of my favorite weeks-not one I want to relive all the time but we have some fun memories from it!!
ADOPTION NEWS: It has been a disappointing week in someways because we found out that MOWA is attempting to go from processing 25 adoption cases in Ethiopia a day to 5! That means a major slow down in getting our little girl home once we have a referral and court. On a positive note though they are working to try to get them to reconsider and there is no longer a shortage of HIV tests in Ethiopia so referrals for children under 18 months can start being given once the children are tested!! Everything in God's timing we keep reminding ourselves. I just can't wait to meet her though!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
A Few Hours Alone
This is their new kitty, Mouse.
If only they were that nice to eachother all the time :), we'll just pretend!
Ok While that title made it look exciting we are still just waiting and praying. We talked to our agency the other day and increased our age from birth to 14 months (it was 12 months). We did this because we aren't set on adopting a small infant, but she has to be at least a year younger than Cody. Right now there is a shortage of HIV Tests in Ethiopia so they aren't giving out many if any referrals for babies under 18 months. In His timing!! (easier said than felt I have to admit).
Friday, February 18, 2011
Birthday Wishes and Valentines Kisses
Monday, February 14, 2011
Life is a picture-paint it well........
Life is a picture, paint it well..... He didn't paint a picture though, he was involved in a masterpiece. He did something so few of us do. He allowed God to sketch it and then he pursued painting it. When God created this sketch He did not reveal it all at once, Dad had to rely on His guidance to perfect this masterpiece that we all know as his life. It wasn't created with perfect lines or in bland color. God made it unique and colorful, through all of the blessings received and challenges overcome-turning every action/stroke into a meaningful attribute of the overall masterpiece.
The thing about masterpieces is that they gain worth over time. To us his masterpiece is priceless but will only remain that way if we pursue looking at it and remembering it, sharing it. The Legacy of his life is the masterpiece that he left behind, in all of the lessons taught, memories made, tears, and the laughter.
Another unique thing about masterpieces is that every artist has similarities and uniquenesses that signify their work. God is the same- we need to allow God to add or lives as masterpieces to His collection.
How much more meaningful would our lives be if we truly allowed Him to guide our every step!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The beginning....
This part of our journey begins in October/November 2009. We felt God pulling on our hearts and had to make a decision, to follow His calling and trust in Him or to be like Jonah and try to slip away from it hoping that God did not pursue the matter. We chose to trust and obey. God had called us to expand our family through adoption. We knew he was calling us to Ethiopia and while we were excited we had our hesitations. Not because of our beautiful little girl-we could not wait to meet her, but because of all the legal and financial logistics. We decided and applied to an agency and God closed that door-thankfully. We then went to Children's Hope International and have been so blessed by this journey with them. This was not the end of the challenges. In December my Dad, Grandpa/Papa Haenisch was not feeling well. On December 24, 2009 he was diagnosed with stage IV Pancreatic cancer. He made the decision to fight it and we had one of the best years ever. He was so excited about our baby girl and how God was working in our lives. He was our number one supporter and fan/ him and mom. He committed his life to Christ a long time ago and lived his final months in a way that would continue to glorify God! He was one of those men that didn't just live life to live it, he lived life and when he went home to the Lord he left a legacy behind him! A legacy that we will continually share with our children. The have so many great memories with him and so many pictures of all the things he did with them-thankfully. He always had time for them and made away to include them in whatever he was doing, willingly teaching them lessons as they worked and played. He longed to meet our baby girl and I know he shed tears over not getting the chance. That is where the title of this blog came from-from him. When we knew he was getting worse I asked for something that I could keep with me all the time. He picked out a ring for Mom, Jaime, Grandma, and myself. He then chose what words he wanted on them. My ring has our names and mine says TIFFANY & DAD, ONE IN HEART. With 2 interlocking hearts with his birthstone in one and mine in the other. This thought has helped get me through so many different times since we lost him on September 28, 2010. This was the worst day of my life to this point and yet this amazing man really isn't fully gone because of the way he allowed God to use him to touch so many-because of the Legacy that he left. When I have regrets or struggles where Dady is concerned I can look back knowing that I knew him well enough to know exactly what he would have said or done. I am so blessed that he had such an amazing and close relationship with the boys and pray that God blesses them with vivid memories of him. Chase took it very hard immediately. He knew grandpa was sick and when we tried to talk about it with him he would totally avoid the subject and then make little comments like "some kids don't like it when their grandpa's are hurting" and then he would move on to something else. The look of hurt and pain in his eyes when we told him is something I will never forget. He immediately started sobbing and continued for quite sometime-he was 3 and we were not prepared for this. We were almost prepared for anything but this actually, Grandpa really was his best friend. Cody did not really respond immediately, after all he wasn't even 2 yet. We have since learned that even though he was so little his Papa was his world. He used to sit at the window when he would see him outside and cry until Papa came into see him! He has since surprised us saying such things as "Papa Out"- referring to wanting Papa to come out of the CD player when they are listening to his recorded stories. "Papa Hold me", "Papa...How....Die", We have since been challenged with reminding both boys that their Grandpa/Papa did not choose to leave them, which I think they know but will really understand someday. They do know he loved them and we will always remind them of that and I can not wait to tell our beautiful little girl all about her Papa and how much he loved her! Most likely it does not work this way but I am OK with thinking in my heart that he will get to see her from Heaven before we ever meet her, maybe even help choose her for us. Ok like I said, I know it probably doesn't work that way but's a very comforting thought-as is the fact that we serve a gracious, merciful, and loving God who is always there!
Some of my favorite memories of this past year come from just watching the boys growing up, watching Luke expanding his equine business and the ways mom and dad blessed us by just being a very active part of our lives. Amazing Godly examples of husband and wife, parents, grandparents, along with the example Dad set as a businessman. Not just speaking but really living that way, allowing God to guide every decision and giving Him the glory even through the cancer!
Onto our baby girl, again I come back to the One In Heart.......she is in my heart and I long to have her in my arms. For awhile I was consumed of thoughts of her. Not a bad thing I might add. I love to pray for her and think of her, longing to hold her and to have her here where I can protect her and nurture her. God has and is continuing to work on my heart, His timing is perfect and she is His child. Whether here in our home or still in Ethiopia-she is HIS!! As are our boys! I am not always a fan of this lesson because I want to have them all, including the rest of my family in little bubbles where they can never be hurt (I typed this and then heard a crash and Cody crying...)-ok he is alright. God wants what is best for all of us and most importantly wants us to allow ourselves to be used to further His kingdom. After all-this is our temporary home!
This entry has jumped all over the place and I am sure there will be more like it but it is a starting point to our story!