Saturday, July 28, 2012


We have been waiting for this day for over 2 years (closer to 3).  Last year at this time we had been told we were first on our agencies list for an infant girl under 6 months old and second on the list for 12 months and under.  So we waited, knowing the call could come anyday.  A month past with no call, and then some more time.  Finally we received an update from our agency and a referral had been given for an infant girl.  We were confused, but knew that with the wait times increasing families in front of us were most likely changing their ages and genders of children they were requesting.  So the wait turned into a year.  I knew that they would be calling most likely in the morning with a referral so I always made sure I had my phone with me at least until lunch time. 

On June 21, 2012 I went outside with the boys and never even thought about the phone.  When we came in for lunch I picked up my phone just to check for any calls (not even thinking about our agency calling).  I had a missed call, I almost didn't even check to see who it was because I wanted to get things around for lunch.  I did check though and there it was ....missed call CHI.  WHAT?!?!?!  I think I panicked a little-yelled for Luke and immediately called back.  NO ANSWER, I left a message for our worker Nicky and then started to get lunch around.  That lasted less than 2 minutes and I decided to call again.  This time she answered and had the best news for us-we had a REFERRAL!  She gave us all of her information and then said she would be sending us an e-mail with pictures of her. 

I opened our e-mail and nothing was there, I started lunch and continued checking every 30 seconds (I made a great deal of progress on lunch as you can tell).  Finally I saw the message come up and Luke and I looked at a picture of our little girls beautiful brown eyes for the first time. These are some seriously, deep, brown, heart melting eyes.  And the curls, oh those gorgeous curls.  Our baby girl was 9 1/2 months old, healthy, and BEAUTIFUL!!   That day was spent staring at her pictures a great deal.   I wanted to just hold her and tell her her Mommy and Daddy loved her.  It is so crazy to think that you have never met this little person physically, but your heart has been longing for them for so long, then you see them and are instantly in love. 

What we didn't know a year ago was that she was not even born yet.  Once we saw that picture those years of heartache over the long wait were just gone.  This journey is by no means over and we will have our share of waiting to do still, we pray though that it will be smooth from here on out! 

Getting to share the news with our boys was priceless.  I will let the pictures do all the talking.  (My plan was also to fold laundry while lunch was getting ready you can tell we were a bit distracted and that did not get done).

Luke telling them he has something to share with them, they look so interested right?.....

Apparently he has their attention now! 
                                      WHAT?!?! WE HAVE A PICTURE OF OUR SISTER!

First time seeing her picture.

Chase is not excited at all!

look at Cody just looking at her!

They love her so much and pray for her everyday!  We can not share a picture of her online because we have not passed court yet.  She is just so precious though.

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